Racing Pigeon management and Pedigree Software

Cloud-Based Racing Pigeon and Pedigree Software.  Manage your loft of racing pigeons with an easy-to-use, cloud-based application that works on any connected computer, phone or tablet.

A solution designed to save you time

The whole Pedigree Manager system has been designed to save you time, no matter if you are uploading new stock birds or pairing for breeding, if we could save any time for you then we have done that.

Time Saving

In a world of technology, Our Pedigree Manager makes the difference, to save your time.


Effortlessly manages all your Pedigree’s, whilst ensuring maximum security. So that you can use it.


Sometimes the best way to achieve the future is to research and invent it. We are here for you.

Winnings tracking

System will total the winnings made from that bird, to show success of the progeny.

Cloud-Based Racing Pigeon and Pedigree Software

Manage your loft of racing pigeons with an easy-to-use, cloud-based application that works on any connected computer, phone or tablet. You access through your browser, so it naturally runs on any connected device, anytime, anywhere. Try out the world’s best online racing pigeon software for free and see how easy it is to manage your valuable family of pigeons. Join thousands of happy pigeon breeders enjoying all of the features of the best cloud-based pigeon software today!

Security & Cloud Sync

cloud-based application that works on any connected computer, phone or tablet.

Lineage Tracking

Progeny analyses, identify all sons & daughters of a selected cock, hen or pair, identify all grandsons & granddaughters of a selected cock, hen or pair.

Race list

Analyse your racing results by Loft, Club, Fed, Combine, race point, year, pigeon - any way you chose! Full analysis of pigeons lost from races.

Start points and distances

Record the start points and their distances from your loft for all races and notes for each bird and each race.

Pairing Record

You can pair birds and record all details of the pairings - when eggs were laid, when they hatched, what ring numbers you put.

Address book

All the important details you need to keep track of in business and personal contacts -- phone numbers, addresses and lots more…

QR Codes Directly On Your Pedigrees

Embed QR Codes directly on your printed pedigrees that send you to the digital record of the pigeon. Our cloud-based technology lets you have multiple dimensions to your records. No other software program does this, especially those bound to a PC. Printed pedigrees are great, but current data online to the same pigeon, with the ability to import into your account is BETTER! Try it out free. 

Create beautiful pedigrees

Pedigrees can be recorded in an infinite number of generations. The pedigrees can be printed in several lay-outs from 3, 4 to 5 generations, many styles. Pictures of the pigeons can be added to the pigeon data and printed on to the pedigree. One pedigree with user defined Logo.

Everything You Want and Need In One Place

Pigeonprofile software has everything you needs, all in one easy-to-use product. Keep records of all your birds with pedigrees going back as far as you have data for. Once you start using it, you’ll wonder how you ever got through the day without it.

Progeny and Ancestry

Add birds easily from your mobile device or computer. Keep pairs and seasons together so you know what your birds produced every year. Use our custom pedigree feature to wow your friends in the sport.


Keep a detailed log of training flights and competition participation. Add the GPS coordinates of your favorite release stations and easily create races or training flights. Track pigeons as they arrive.


Use our Teams feature to create related teams of birds. Teams help you manage pigeons in easy to use groups. Assign groups to races. Track your old bird teams and young bird teams.

Sharp, Beautiful Pedigrees

Beautiful, default pedigrees are available right out of the box. Or, use one of our overlays to create your own powerful, custom pedigree to stand out from the flock. Embed QR Codes to the pigeon’s public digital record.

Seasons Tracking

Track your breeding seasons, year after year. Duplicate a season’s worth of pairings to continue the winning results. See all of the birds produced each season, and their vitals.

Records Sharing

Share your records with your friends, buyers, or bidders. Let them import your records to save time. It’s as easy as entering their email and clicking a button. Make your pigeons public or keep them private.

Get more out of pigeonprofile

We build relationships, and deliver results.

Online 24/7

Our Hybrid cloud hosting infrastructure has a 99.9% uptime guarantee

Hourly Backups

All you data is backed up hourly so if the worst did happen you will never lose more than an hours data.

Data Protection

Our System is Fully GDPR compliant and we never share any of your data with any other businesses.

Client Testimonials

An active pedigree manager account is needed to use the app,

please sign up before downloading